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Glifosat to substancja czynna wykorzystywana w środkach ochrony roślin, która od lat wywołuje kontrowersje. 15 grudnia 2022 roku kończy się okres zatwierdzenia glifosatu, a w konsekwencji bezpieczeństwo jego stosowania znowu staje się przedmiotem ożywionej dyskusji publicznej. Jego zatwierdzenie na lata 2017-2022 poprzedzone było silnymi niepokojami społecznymi, które sformalizowały się w postaci europejskiej inicjatywy obywatelskiej w sprawie zakazu stosowania glifosatu i ochrony ludzi i środowiska przed toksycznymi pestycydami. W ocenie autorów wywarła ona ważny wpływ na Unię Europejską – nie tylko w tym ujęciu najbardziej oczywistym, czyli wskutek wprowadzonych w związku z nią zmian legislacyjnych, ale również w pomijanej często sferze pozanormatywnej. W ramach niniejszego artykułu przeanalizowano wpływ tej inicjatywy na rozwój ustawodawstwa regulacyjnego Unii Europejskiej i jej szerzej rozumianą działalność, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przejrzystości podejmowania decyzji związanych z bezpieczeństwem żywności w aspekcie oczekiwań społeczeństwa.
Powstanie pracy zostało w części sfinansowane ze środków projektu badawczego o nr 2021/41/N/HS5/01316 finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki.
This research was funded in part by National Science Centre, Poland, grant number: 2021/41/N/HS5/01316. For the purpose of Open Access, the authors has applied a CC-BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version arising from this submission.
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Szczegóły artykułu

Utwór dostępny jest na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe.
- Acquavella John, David Garabrant, Gary Marsh, Tom Sorahn, Douglas L. Weed, „Glyphosate Epidemiology Expert Panel Review: A Weight of Evidence Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Glyphosate Exposure and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or Multiple Myeloma” Critical Reviews in Toxicology 46, nr 1 (2016): 28-43.
- Battaglin William A., Michael T. Meyer, Kathryn M. Kuivila, Julie E. Dietze, „Glyphosate and its Degradation Product AMPA Occur Frequently and Widely in U.S. Soils, Surface Water, Groundwater, and Precipitation” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50, nr 2 (2014): 275-290.
- Benbrook Charles M., „Rust, Resistance, Run Down Soils, and Rising Costs – Problems Facing Soybean Producers in Argentina” Ag BioTech InfoNet, nr 8 (2005).
- Benbrook Charles M., „Trends in Glyphosate Herbicide Use in the United States and Globally” Environmental Sciences Europe 28, nr 3 (2016).
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Safeguarding with Science: Glyphosate Testing in 2015-2016.
- Carvalho Fernando P., „Glyphosate, the Herbicide that Become a Nightmare and the Precautionary Principle” International Journal of Environmental Studies, nr 6 (2020). DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2020.1773682.
- Cerdeira Antonio L., Dionsio L.P. Gazziero, Stephen O. Duke, Marcus B. Matallo, „Agricultural Impacts of Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean Cultivation in South America” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59, nr 11 (2011): 5799-5807.
- Claire Robinson, Peter Clausing, Aleksandra Cavoski, Apolline Roger, Alice Bernard, Paul Whaley, Robin Mesnage et al., „Ensuring a Higher Level of Protection from Pesticides in Europe – The Problems with Current Pesticide Risk Assessment Procedures in the EU – And Proposed Solutions” (2018).
- Clausing Peter, „Glyphosate: The European Controversy – A Review of Civil Society Struggles and Regulatory Failures” Business and Human Rights Journal, nr 2 (2019). https://doi:10.1017/bhj.2019.5.
- Coja Tamara, Johann Steinwider, „The New European Transparency Regulation: a Panacea for EU Risk Assessment?” Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 17 (2022).
- Corti Justo „Food Security and Agrochemicals: Rise and Fall of Glyphosate as Holy Grail of Agriculture Production in the European Union” Food Security Issues and Challenges, (2021).
- de F. Sousa Maria Gizeuda, Adeildo C. Silva, Araújo Rinaldo Dos Santos, Raquel M. Rigotto, „Evaluation of the Atmospheric Contamination Level for the use of Herbicide Glyphosate in the Northeast Region of Brazil.” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191, nr 10 (2019): 604.
- de Melo Karolyne Gramlich Siomara Regina Ferreira, Jacobucci, Célia Regina Garlipp, Ângelo Zanaga Trape, Paulo César Pires Rosa, „Determination of Glyphosate in Human Urine from Farmers in Mato Grosso BR” InterAmerican Journal of Medicine and Health 3 (2020).
- Duke Stephen O., Stephen B. Powles, „Glyphosate: A Once-in-a-Century Herbicide” Pest Management Science 64, nr 4 (2008): 319-325.
- EFSA, „Conclusion on the Peer Review of the Pesticide Risk Assessment of the Active Substance Glyphosate” EFSA Journal 13, nr 11 (2015): 4302. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2015.4302.
- Gillezeau Christina, Maaike van Gerwen, Rachel M. Shaffer, Iemaan Rana, Luoping Zhang, Lianne Sheppard, Emanuela Taioli, „The Evidence of Human Exposure to Glyphosate: A Review” Environmental Health 18, nr 2 (2019).
- Heap Ian, „Global Perspective of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds” Pest Management Science 70, nr 9 (2014): 1306-1315.
- Herek Jéssica Samara, Luana Vargas, Suélen Andressa Rinas Trindade, Camila Fatima Rutkoski, Natani Macagnan, Paulo Afonso Hartmann, Marilia Teresinha Hartmann, „Can Environmental Concentrations of Glyphosate Affect Survival and Cause Malformation in Amphibians? Effects from a Glyphosate-Based Herbicide on Physalaemus cuvieri and P. gracilis (Anura: Leptodactylidae)” Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, nr 18 (2020): 2261922630.
- Krimsky Sheldon, Carey Gillam, „Roundup Litigation Discovery Documents: Implications for Public Health and Journal Ethics” Journal of
- Public Health Policy 39, nr 14 (2018).
- Ledoux Michelle L., Navam Hettiarachchy, Xiaofan Yu, Luke Howard. Lee Sun-Ok, „Penetration of Glyphosate into the Food Supply and the Incidental Impact on the Honey Supply and Bees” Food Control, 109 (2020).
- Malkanthi Pushpa S. H., Gayani U. Sandareka, Alge Wattage Wijeratne, Pathmanathan Sivashankar, „Banning of Glyphosate and its Impact on Paddy Cultivation: A Study in Ratnapura District in Sri Lanka” Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka 14, nr 2 (2019): 129144.
- Marques Jonathas Gomes de Carvalho, Klayde Janny da Silva Veríssimo, Bruna Soares Fernandes, Ferreira Silvio Romero de Melo, Montenegro Suzana Maria Gico Lima and Motteran Fabrício, „Glyphosate: A Review on the Current Environmental Impacts from a Brazilian Perspective” Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 107, nr 3 (2021): 385-397.
- McHenry Leemon B., „The Monsanto Papers: Poisoning the Scientific Well” International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 29, nr 3-4 (2018): 193-205.
- Meftaul Islam Md., Kadiyala Venkateswarlu, Rajarathnam Dharmarajan, Prasath Annamalai, Md Asaduzzaman, Aney Parven, Mallavarapu Megharaj, „Controversies Over Human Health and Ecological Impacts of Glyphosate: Is it to be Banned in Modern Agriculture?” Environmental Pollution 263, (2020).
- Międzynarodowa Agencja Badań nad Rakiem, Evaluation of Five Organophosphate Insecticides and Herbicides. 2015.
- iarcnews/pdf/MonographVolume112.pdf.
- Morvillo Marta, „Glyphosate Effect: Has the Glyphosate Controversy Affected the EU’s Regulatory Epistemology?” European Journal of Risk Regulation 11, nr 3 (2020): 422-435.
- Niewiadomski Adam, „Europejski Zielony Ład w świetle wyzwań polskiego prawa rolnego” Studia Iuridica LXXXVIII 88 (2021): 284-294.
- Ruiz-Toledo Jovani, Ricardo Castro, Norma Rivero-Pérez, Ricardo Bello-Mendoza, Daniel Sánchez, „Occurrence of Glyphosate in Water Bodies Derived From Intensive Agriculture in a Tropical Region of Southern Mexico” Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 93, nr 3 (2014): 289-293.
- Tarazona Jose V., Daniele Court-Marques, Manuela Tiramani, Hermine Reich, Rudolf Pfeil, Frederique Istace, Federica Crivellente, „Glyphosate Toxicity and Carcinogenicity: A Review of the Scientific Basis of the European Union Assessment and its Differences with IARC” Archives of Toxicology 91, nr 8 (2017): 2723–2743.
- Williams Gary M., Marilyn Aardema, John Acquavella, Sir Colin Berry, David Brusick, Michele M. Burns, Joao Lauro Viana de Camargo, „A Review of the Carcinogenic Potential of Glyphosate by Four Independent Expert Panels and Comparison to the IARC Assessment” Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 46 (2016): 3-20.
- Xu Jingwen, Shayn Smith, Gordon Smith, Weiqun Wang, Yonghui Li, „Glyphosate Contamination in Grains and Foods: An Overview” Food Control 106, nr 29 (2019).
Acquavella John, David Garabrant, Gary Marsh, Tom Sorahn, Douglas L. Weed, „Glyphosate Epidemiology Expert Panel Review: A Weight of Evidence Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Glyphosate Exposure and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or Multiple Myeloma” Critical Reviews in Toxicology 46, nr 1 (2016): 28-43.
Battaglin William A., Michael T. Meyer, Kathryn M. Kuivila, Julie E. Dietze, „Glyphosate and its Degradation Product AMPA Occur Frequently and Widely in U.S. Soils, Surface Water, Groundwater, and Precipitation” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50, nr 2 (2014): 275-290.
Benbrook Charles M., „Rust, Resistance, Run Down Soils, and Rising Costs – Problems Facing Soybean Producers in Argentina” Ag BioTech InfoNet, nr 8 (2005).
Benbrook Charles M., „Trends in Glyphosate Herbicide Use in the United States and Globally” Environmental Sciences Europe 28, nr 3 (2016).
Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Safeguarding with Science: Glyphosate Testing in 2015-2016.
Carvalho Fernando P., „Glyphosate, the Herbicide that Become a Nightmare and the Precautionary Principle” International Journal of Environmental Studies, nr 6 (2020). DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2020.1773682.
Cerdeira Antonio L., Dionsio L.P. Gazziero, Stephen O. Duke, Marcus B. Matallo, „Agricultural Impacts of Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean Cultivation in South America” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59, nr 11 (2011): 5799-5807.
Claire Robinson, Peter Clausing, Aleksandra Cavoski, Apolline Roger, Alice Bernard, Paul Whaley, Robin Mesnage et al., „Ensuring a Higher Level of Protection from Pesticides in Europe – The Problems with Current Pesticide Risk Assessment Procedures in the EU – And Proposed Solutions” (2018).
Clausing Peter, „Glyphosate: The European Controversy – A Review of Civil Society Struggles and Regulatory Failures” Business and Human Rights Journal, nr 2 (2019). https://doi:10.1017/bhj.2019.5.
Coja Tamara, Johann Steinwider, „The New European Transparency Regulation: a Panacea for EU Risk Assessment?” Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 17 (2022).
Corti Justo „Food Security and Agrochemicals: Rise and Fall of Glyphosate as Holy Grail of Agriculture Production in the European Union” Food Security Issues and Challenges, (2021).
de F. Sousa Maria Gizeuda, Adeildo C. Silva, Araújo Rinaldo Dos Santos, Raquel M. Rigotto, „Evaluation of the Atmospheric Contamination Level for the use of Herbicide Glyphosate in the Northeast Region of Brazil.” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191, nr 10 (2019): 604.
de Melo Karolyne Gramlich Siomara Regina Ferreira, Jacobucci, Célia Regina Garlipp, Ângelo Zanaga Trape, Paulo César Pires Rosa, „Determination of Glyphosate in Human Urine from Farmers in Mato Grosso BR” InterAmerican Journal of Medicine and Health 3 (2020).
Duke Stephen O., Stephen B. Powles, „Glyphosate: A Once-in-a-Century Herbicide” Pest Management Science 64, nr 4 (2008): 319-325.
EFSA, „Conclusion on the Peer Review of the Pesticide Risk Assessment of the Active Substance Glyphosate” EFSA Journal 13, nr 11 (2015): 4302. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2015.4302.
Gillezeau Christina, Maaike van Gerwen, Rachel M. Shaffer, Iemaan Rana, Luoping Zhang, Lianne Sheppard, Emanuela Taioli, „The Evidence of Human Exposure to Glyphosate: A Review” Environmental Health 18, nr 2 (2019).
Heap Ian, „Global Perspective of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds” Pest Management Science 70, nr 9 (2014): 1306-1315.
Herek Jéssica Samara, Luana Vargas, Suélen Andressa Rinas Trindade, Camila Fatima Rutkoski, Natani Macagnan, Paulo Afonso Hartmann, Marilia Teresinha Hartmann, „Can Environmental Concentrations of Glyphosate Affect Survival and Cause Malformation in Amphibians? Effects from a Glyphosate-Based Herbicide on Physalaemus cuvieri and P. gracilis (Anura: Leptodactylidae)” Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, nr 18 (2020): 2261922630.
Krimsky Sheldon, Carey Gillam, „Roundup Litigation Discovery Documents: Implications for Public Health and Journal Ethics” Journal of
Public Health Policy 39, nr 14 (2018).
Ledoux Michelle L., Navam Hettiarachchy, Xiaofan Yu, Luke Howard. Lee Sun-Ok, „Penetration of Glyphosate into the Food Supply and the Incidental Impact on the Honey Supply and Bees” Food Control, 109 (2020).
Malkanthi Pushpa S. H., Gayani U. Sandareka, Alge Wattage Wijeratne, Pathmanathan Sivashankar, „Banning of Glyphosate and its Impact on Paddy Cultivation: A Study in Ratnapura District in Sri Lanka” Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka 14, nr 2 (2019): 129144.
Marques Jonathas Gomes de Carvalho, Klayde Janny da Silva Veríssimo, Bruna Soares Fernandes, Ferreira Silvio Romero de Melo, Montenegro Suzana Maria Gico Lima and Motteran Fabrício, „Glyphosate: A Review on the Current Environmental Impacts from a Brazilian Perspective” Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 107, nr 3 (2021): 385-397.
McHenry Leemon B., „The Monsanto Papers: Poisoning the Scientific Well” International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 29, nr 3-4 (2018): 193-205.
Meftaul Islam Md., Kadiyala Venkateswarlu, Rajarathnam Dharmarajan, Prasath Annamalai, Md Asaduzzaman, Aney Parven, Mallavarapu Megharaj, „Controversies Over Human Health and Ecological Impacts of Glyphosate: Is it to be Banned in Modern Agriculture?” Environmental Pollution 263, (2020).
Międzynarodowa Agencja Badań nad Rakiem, Evaluation of Five Organophosphate Insecticides and Herbicides. 2015. iarcnews/pdf/MonographVolume112.pdf.
Morvillo Marta, „Glyphosate Effect: Has the Glyphosate Controversy Affected the EU’s Regulatory Epistemology?” European Journal of Risk Regulation 11, nr 3 (2020): 422-435.
Niewiadomski Adam, „Europejski Zielony Ład w świetle wyzwań polskiego prawa rolnego” Studia Iuridica LXXXVIII 88 (2021): 284-294.
Ruiz-Toledo Jovani, Ricardo Castro, Norma Rivero-Pérez, Ricardo Bello-Mendoza, Daniel Sánchez, „Occurrence of Glyphosate in Water Bodies Derived From Intensive Agriculture in a Tropical Region of Southern Mexico” Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 93, nr 3 (2014): 289-293.
Tarazona Jose V., Daniele Court-Marques, Manuela Tiramani, Hermine Reich, Rudolf Pfeil, Frederique Istace, Federica Crivellente, „Glyphosate Toxicity and Carcinogenicity: A Review of the Scientific Basis of the European Union Assessment and its Differences with IARC” Archives of Toxicology 91, nr 8 (2017): 2723–2743.
Williams Gary M., Marilyn Aardema, John Acquavella, Sir Colin Berry, David Brusick, Michele M. Burns, Joao Lauro Viana de Camargo, „A Review of the Carcinogenic Potential of Glyphosate by Four Independent Expert Panels and Comparison to the IARC Assessment” Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 46 (2016): 3-20.
Xu Jingwen, Shayn Smith, Gordon Smith, Weiqun Wang, Yonghui Li, „Glyphosate Contamination in Grains and Foods: An Overview” Food Control 106, nr 29 (2019).