Treść głównego artykułu



The role of the law is to react and keep pace with technological progress in order to ensure the protection of the subjects involved and to emphasize the enforcement of some important values in order to prevent abuses. Assisted reproductive techniques and surrogacy are no exception, as they involve many, sometimes conflicting, interests. There is no clear consensus on this issue, which often leads to the endangerment of the land and the uncertainty of the subjects involved. This lack of stability has culminated in the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine, where the surrogacy “business” used to flourish. Even before the war, there were instances of endangered values that have only intensified. The paper examines the legal and ethical complexities of ART and surrogacy, what motivates couples to enter into surrogacy arrangements in Ukraine, and what additional obstacles the war has created for this practice.

Słowa kluczowe

reproductive medicine, embryo protection, commercial surrogacy, children rights, armed conflict reproductive medicine embryo protection commercial surrogacy children’s rights armed conflict

Szczegóły artykułu


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