Principles of Publication Ethics for Editors, Authors, and Reviewers of the Bimonthly Journal "Law and Social Bonds"
The editors and the publisher are committed to adhere to the standards of the Principles of Publication Ethics at all stages of the editorial and publishing process. The guidelines followed by the editors are consistent with those contained in the Elsevier Principles and the Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines ( on editorial best practices. In accordance with the Editorial Board's policy, texts that do not comply with the following rules will be rejected.
The editors of the journal are committed to its development by ensuring the high quality of the published texts, guaranteeing the freedom of research and opinions presented, and preserving the mutual anonymity of reviewers and authors.
The Editorial Board decides whether to accept an article for publication, acting objectively and fairly on the basis of the compatibility of the text with the profile of the journal, the fulfillment of formal conditions, the result of the review process. Editors shall not discriminate against authors on the basis of their characteristics or beliefs.
The editors are obliged to react to any violation of the publication ethics.
Authors are required to present the results of their research in a fair and honest manner, without manipulation or bias, and without altering or omitting the results of their research. Authors are required to present original text – any form of plagiarism will result in automatic rejection of the text.
Authors are required to list all persons who contributed to the submitted text as co-authors of the publication, and to indicate their contribution, if applicable. All authors of the text must agree to its publication.
Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including financial, personal, or institutional relationships that may affect their objectivity.
Work submitted for publication must be original and previously unpublished.
It is unacceptable to submit work written by so-called artificial intelligence that generates answers to questions posed to it.
Reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including financial, personal, or institutional relationships that may affect their objectivity.
Reviewers are required to evaluate manuscripts submitted to them fairly, objectively, and to the best of their knowledge. They should evaluate papers according to their own scientific knowledge, regardless of their own views on the subject.