Each text submitted for publication in the quarterly "Law and Social Bonds" is reviewed by the editors in terms of compliance with journal's submission guidelines and the subject matter of the quarterly. Manuscripts not conforming to journal's guidelines or subject matter are returned to authors without evaluation.  The texts adopted by the editors are reviewed by two independent reviewers in the double blind review system. The reviewers and the author do not know each other's identities (double-blind review), additionally they come from different research or scientific centers. 

The Reviewer shall confirm acceptance of the task within 7 days of receipt of the invitation from the Editor. If he/she does not, the Editor will assume that he/she cannot perform the assigned task and will contact another reviewer. For the evaluation of the assigned text, the Reviewer is required to use the standard form designed for that purpose. The Reviewer should log into the OJS to complete the form. Once logged on the system the Reviewer should complete the online version and submit it online. 

The reviewers answer the questions contained in the review sheet. Reviewers decide whether the text being evaluated is suitable for publication on the basis of the following criteria:

1. importance of the subject matter,

2. article's influence on the subject matter,

3. compliance of the study with the journal's aims and scope,

4. originality of the approach to the subject matter,

5. relevance of the used literature and case law,

6. author's skills in constructing research thesis,

7. correctness of argumentation,

8. quality of the linguistic and editorial work. 

In the event of divergent assessments between reviewers, the editor-in-chief decides on the appointment of a third reviewer whose opinion is decisive.

Reviewers shall submit their reports to the Editor, through the OJS, within 31 days of receipt of the manuscript for review. To this end, the OJS will be sending automatic reminders. The reviewer should submit one of the following recommendations:

1. Accept submission,

2. Revisions required,

3. Resubmit for review,

4. Resubmit elsewhere,

5. Decline submission.

Before submission, reviewers should ensure that all marked fields of the standard review form are duly completed.

The Editor will prepare a decision letter based on the comments of the reviewers, which will be sent by email to the corresponding author, within 7 days.

The final decision on the publication of the text in a specific issue, after qualifying the text by the reviewers, is taken by the Editor-in-Chief.

On specific obligations of the editor and the reviewer in the review process see our ethical principles ("Publication Ethics").