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W pracy poddano analizie i interpretacji historycznie ukształtowane rozwiązania normatywne rękojmi za wady fizyczne zwierząt w wybranych mieszanych systemach prawnych: Szkocji, Luizjany, Quebecku i Południowej Afryki. Wykazano w ujęciu historycznoprawnym i komparatystycznym zarówno trafne, jak i niekorzystne próby reakcji prawnej na ponadczasowy problem występowania chorób sprzedawanych zwierząt żywych. Wskazano jakie schematy hybrydyzacji prawa cywilnego w przedmiotowym zakresie mogą być przyjmowane w przyszłości.
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Utwór dostępny jest na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe.
- Aquilina Kevin, „Rethinking Maltese Hybridity: A Chimeric Illusion or a Healthy Grafted European Law Mixture?” Journal of Civil Law Studies, nr 2 (2011): 261-283.
- Aquilina Kevin, „The Nature and Sources of the Maltese Mixed Legal System: A Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?” Comparative Law Review, nr 1 (2013): 1-38.
- Attwooll Elspeth, The Tapestry of the Law: Scotland, Legal Culture and Legal Theory. Dordrecht: Springer, 1997.
- lord Bankton Andrew McDouall, An Institute of the Laws of Scotland in Civil Rights: with Observations upon the Agreement or Diversity Between them and the Laws of England. Edinburgh: Fleming, Kincaid & Donaldson, 1751-1753.
- Bell George J., Commentaries on the Law of Scotland and on the Principles
- of Mercantile Jurisprudence, t. I-II. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1990.
- Bussani Mauro, Vernon V. Palmer, „The Liability Regimes of Europe – Their Façades and Interiors”, [w:] Pure Economic Loss in Europe. The Common Core of European Private Law, red. Mauro Bussani, Vernon V. Palmer. 120-162. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
- Cycero Marek Tulliusz, „De oratore”, [w:] M. Tulli Ciceronis De Oratore Libri Tres, with Introduction and Notes, red. Augustus S. Wilkins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1902-1961.
- Dickinson John A., „New France: Law, Courts, and the Coutume De Paris, 1608-1760” Manitoba Law Journal, nr 23 (1995): 32-54.
- Dzikowski Andrzej, „Morbus est… Roman Views on Health of Animals as a Basis for the Present-Day Warranty Legislation” Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, nr 4 (2020): 429-442.
- Erskine of Carnock, John. An Institute of the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh: Legal Education Trust, 2014.
- Evans-Jones Robin, „Receptions of Law, Mixed Legal Systems and the Myth of the Genius of Scots Private Law” Law Quarterly Review, nr 114 (1998): 228-249.
- Evans-Jones Robin, „The Actio Quanti Minoris in Mixed Legal Systems”, [w:] Roman Law as Formative of Modern Legal Systems, t. I, red. Janusz Sondel, Jarosław Reszczyński i Piotr Ściślicki. 79-92. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2003.
- Fernandez Mark F., From Chaos to Continuity: the Evolution of Louisiana’s Judicial System, 1712-1862. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001.
- Gordon William M., „Risk in Sale – from Roman to Scots Law”, [w:] Roman Law as Formative of Modern Legal Systems, t. I, red. Janusz Sondel, Jarosław Reszczyński, Piotr Ściślicki. 115-124. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2003.
- Hatzimihail Nikitas E., „Cyprus as a Mixed Legal System” Journal of Civil Law Studies, nr 1 (2013): 37-96.
- Anthony M. Honoré, „The History of the Aedilitian Actions from Roman to Roman-Dutch Law”, [w:] Studies in the Roman Law of Sale Dedicated to the Memory of Francis de Zulueta, red. David Daube. 136-158. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959.
- Hood John T., „The History and Development of the Louisiana Civil Code” Louisiana Law Review, nr 1 (1958): 18-33.
- Johnston David, „Sale and Transfer of Title in Roman and Scots Law”, [w:] The Roman Law Tradition, red. Andrew D. E. Lewis, David J. Ibbetson. 182-198. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
- Kaser Max, „Das römische Recht in Südafrika” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, nr 81 (1964): 1-30.
- Lévy-Ullmann Henri, „The Law of Scotland” Juridical Review, nr 37 (1925): 370-390.
- MacQueen Hector L., „Mixed Jurisdictions and Convergence: Scotland” International Journal of Legal Information, nr 29 (2001): 309-322.
- McClelland Paul, The Seller’s Liability for Sale of Faulty Goods in Scots Law. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2015.
- Örücü Esin, „What is a Mixed Legal System: Exclusion or Expansion?” Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, nr 1 (2008): 1-18.
- Örücü Esin, Elspeth Attwooll, Sean Coyle, Studies in Legal Systems: Mixed and Mixing. The Hague-London-Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1996.
- Palmer Vernon V., Louisiana: Microcosm of a Mixed Jurisdiction. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 1999.
- Palmer Vernon V., Mixed Jurisdictions Worldwide: The Third Legal Family. Cambridge: University Press, 2001.
- Palmer Vernon V., Elspeth Ch. Reid, Mixed Jurisdictions Compared: Private Law in Louisiana and Scotland. Edinburgh: University Press, 2009.
- Parise Agustin, „A Constant Give and Take: Tracing Legal Borrowings in the Louisiana Civil Law Experience” Seton Hall Legislative Journal, nr 1 (2010): 1-35.
- du Plessis Jacques, „The Promises and Pitfalls of Mixed Legal Systems: the South African and Scottish experiences” Stellenbosch Law Review, nr 3 (1998): 338-343.
- Reid Kenneth, „The »Actio Quanti Minoris« and Conveyancing Practice” Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, nr 33 (1988): 285-287.
- Reid Kenneth, „The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems” Tulane Law Review, nr 78 (2003): 5-40.
- Reid Kenneth, Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland, t. I-II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
- Rousseau-Houle Thérèse, Précis du droit de la vente et du louage. Québec: Presses Université Laval, 1986.
- Sellar William D.H., „Scots Law: Mixed from the Very Beginning? A Tale of Two Receptions” Edinburgh Law Review, nr 1 (2000): 3-18.
- Smith Thomas B., Studies Critical and Comparative. Edinburgh: Green & Son, 1962.
- Smits Jan M., „European Private Law as a Mixed Legal System” Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, nr 5 (1998): 328-340.
- Smits Jan M., „The Harmonisation of Private Law in Europe: Some Insights from Evolutionary Theory” Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, nr 31 (2002): 79-99.
- Smits Jan M., The Making of European Private Law: Toward a Ius Commune Europaeum as a Mixed Legal System. Antwerpen-Oxford-New York: Intersentia, 2002.
- viscount Stair Dalrymple James, The Institutions of the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh-Glasgow: The University Presses, 1981.
- Stein Peter, Fault in the Formation of Contract in Roman Law and Scots Law. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1958.
- Symeonides Symeon, „The Mixed Legal System of the Republic of Cyprus” Tulane Law Review, nr 78 (2003): 441-442.
- Tetley William, „Mixed Jurisdictions: Common Law vs. Civil Law (Codified and Uncodified)” Uniform Law Review, nr 4 (1999): 677-738.
- Thomson Joe M., „Legal Change and Scots Private Law”, [w:] Critical Studies in Ancient Law. Comparative Law and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Alan Watson, red. John Cairns, Olivia Robinson. 379-391. Oxford: Hart, 2001.
- Thomson Stephen, „Mixed Jurisdiction and the Scottish Legal Tradition: Reconsidering the Concept of Mixture” Journal of Civil Law Studies, nr 1 (2014): 51-91.
- de Wet Johannes Ch., Andreas H. van Wyk, Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kontraktereg en Handelsreg, t. I, Durban: Butterworths, 1992.
- Zimmermann Reinhard, The Law of Obligations: Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
- Zimmermann Reinhard, „Common law und ius commune. Unkodifizierte Mischrechtsordnungen im Vergleich”, [w:] Aufbruch nach Europa. 75 Jahre Max-Planck-Institut für Privatrecht, red. Jürgen Basedow, Ulrich Drobnig, Reinhard Ellger, Klaus J. Hopt, Hein Kötz, Rainer Kulms. 852-854. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001.
- Zimmermann Reinhard, Roman Law, Contemporary Law, European Law. The Civilian Tradition Today. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001.
- Zimmermann Reinhard, Daniel Visser. Southern Cross. Civil Law and Common Law in South Africa. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
- Zweigert Konrad, Hein Kötz. An Introduction to Comparative Law. The framework. Amsterdam-New York-Oxford: University Press, 1977.
Aquilina Kevin, „Rethinking Maltese Hybridity: A Chimeric Illusion or a Healthy Grafted European Law Mixture?” Journal of Civil Law Studies, nr 2 (2011): 261-283.
Aquilina Kevin, „The Nature and Sources of the Maltese Mixed Legal System: A Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?” Comparative Law Review, nr 1 (2013): 1-38.
Attwooll Elspeth, The Tapestry of the Law: Scotland, Legal Culture and Legal Theory. Dordrecht: Springer, 1997.
lord Bankton Andrew McDouall, An Institute of the Laws of Scotland in Civil Rights: with Observations upon the Agreement or Diversity Between them and the Laws of England. Edinburgh: Fleming, Kincaid & Donaldson, 1751-1753.
Bell George J., Commentaries on the Law of Scotland and on the Principles
of Mercantile Jurisprudence, t. I-II. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1990.
Bussani Mauro, Vernon V. Palmer, „The Liability Regimes of Europe – Their Façades and Interiors”, [w:] Pure Economic Loss in Europe. The Common Core of European Private Law, red. Mauro Bussani, Vernon V. Palmer. 120-162. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Cycero Marek Tulliusz, „De oratore”, [w:] M. Tulli Ciceronis De Oratore Libri Tres, with Introduction and Notes, red. Augustus S. Wilkins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1902-1961.
Dickinson John A., „New France: Law, Courts, and the Coutume De Paris, 1608-1760” Manitoba Law Journal, nr 23 (1995): 32-54.
Dzikowski Andrzej, „Morbus est… Roman Views on Health of Animals as a Basis for the Present-Day Warranty Legislation” Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, nr 4 (2020): 429-442.
Erskine of Carnock, John. An Institute of the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh: Legal Education Trust, 2014.
Evans-Jones Robin, „Receptions of Law, Mixed Legal Systems and the Myth of the Genius of Scots Private Law” Law Quarterly Review, nr 114 (1998): 228-249.
Evans-Jones Robin, „The Actio Quanti Minoris in Mixed Legal Systems”, [w:] Roman Law as Formative of Modern Legal Systems, t. I, red. Janusz Sondel, Jarosław Reszczyński i Piotr Ściślicki. 79-92. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2003.
Fernandez Mark F., From Chaos to Continuity: the Evolution of Louisiana’s Judicial System, 1712-1862. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001.
Gordon William M., „Risk in Sale – from Roman to Scots Law”, [w:] Roman Law as Formative of Modern Legal Systems, t. I, red. Janusz Sondel, Jarosław Reszczyński, Piotr Ściślicki. 115-124. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2003.
Hatzimihail Nikitas E., „Cyprus as a Mixed Legal System” Journal of Civil Law Studies, nr 1 (2013): 37-96.
Anthony M. Honoré, „The History of the Aedilitian Actions from Roman to Roman-Dutch Law”, [w:] Studies in the Roman Law of Sale Dedicated to the Memory of Francis de Zulueta, red. David Daube. 136-158. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1959.
Hood John T., „The History and Development of the Louisiana Civil Code” Louisiana Law Review, nr 1 (1958): 18-33.
Johnston David, „Sale and Transfer of Title in Roman and Scots Law”, [w:] The Roman Law Tradition, red. Andrew D. E. Lewis, David J. Ibbetson. 182-198. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Kaser Max, „Das römische Recht in Südafrika” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, nr 81 (1964): 1-30.
Lévy-Ullmann Henri, „The Law of Scotland” Juridical Review, nr 37 (1925): 370-390.
MacQueen Hector L., „Mixed Jurisdictions and Convergence: Scotland” International Journal of Legal Information, nr 29 (2001): 309-322.
McClelland Paul, The Seller’s Liability for Sale of Faulty Goods in Scots Law. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2015.
Örücü Esin, „What is a Mixed Legal System: Exclusion or Expansion?” Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, nr 1 (2008): 1-18.
Örücü Esin, Elspeth Attwooll, Sean Coyle, Studies in Legal Systems: Mixed and Mixing. The Hague-London-Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1996.
Palmer Vernon V., Louisiana: Microcosm of a Mixed Jurisdiction. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 1999.
Palmer Vernon V., Mixed Jurisdictions Worldwide: The Third Legal Family. Cambridge: University Press, 2001.
Palmer Vernon V., Elspeth Ch. Reid, Mixed Jurisdictions Compared: Private Law in Louisiana and Scotland. Edinburgh: University Press, 2009.
Parise Agustin, „A Constant Give and Take: Tracing Legal Borrowings in the Louisiana Civil Law Experience” Seton Hall Legislative Journal, nr 1 (2010): 1-35.
du Plessis Jacques, „The Promises and Pitfalls of Mixed Legal Systems: the South African and Scottish experiences” Stellenbosch Law Review, nr 3 (1998): 338-343.
Reid Kenneth, „The »Actio Quanti Minoris« and Conveyancing Practice” Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, nr 33 (1988): 285-287.
Reid Kenneth, „The Idea of Mixed Legal Systems” Tulane Law Review, nr 78 (2003): 5-40.
Reid Kenneth, Reinhard Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Scotland, t. I-II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Rousseau-Houle Thérèse, Précis du droit de la vente et du louage. Québec: Presses Université Laval, 1986.
Sellar William D.H., „Scots Law: Mixed from the Very Beginning? A Tale of Two Receptions” Edinburgh Law Review, nr 1 (2000): 3-18.
Smith Thomas B., Studies Critical and Comparative. Edinburgh: Green & Son, 1962.
Smits Jan M., „European Private Law as a Mixed Legal System” Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, nr 5 (1998): 328-340.
Smits Jan M., „The Harmonisation of Private Law in Europe: Some Insights from Evolutionary Theory” Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, nr 31 (2002): 79-99.
Smits Jan M., The Making of European Private Law: Toward a Ius Commune Europaeum as a Mixed Legal System. Antwerpen-Oxford-New York: Intersentia, 2002.
viscount Stair Dalrymple James, The Institutions of the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh-Glasgow: The University Presses, 1981.
Stein Peter, Fault in the Formation of Contract in Roman Law and Scots Law. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1958.
Symeonides Symeon, „The Mixed Legal System of the Republic of Cyprus” Tulane Law Review, nr 78 (2003): 441-442.
Tetley William, „Mixed Jurisdictions: Common Law vs. Civil Law (Codified and Uncodified)” Uniform Law Review, nr 4 (1999): 677-738.
Thomson Joe M., „Legal Change and Scots Private Law”, [w:] Critical Studies in Ancient Law. Comparative Law and Legal History: Essays in Honour of Alan Watson, red. John Cairns, Olivia Robinson. 379-391. Oxford: Hart, 2001.
Thomson Stephen, „Mixed Jurisdiction and the Scottish Legal Tradition: Reconsidering the Concept of Mixture” Journal of Civil Law Studies, nr 1 (2014): 51-91.
de Wet Johannes Ch., Andreas H. van Wyk, Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kontraktereg en Handelsreg, t. I, Durban: Butterworths, 1992.
Zimmermann Reinhard, The Law of Obligations: Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
Zimmermann Reinhard, „Common law und ius commune. Unkodifizierte Mischrechtsordnungen im Vergleich”, [w:] Aufbruch nach Europa. 75 Jahre Max-Planck-Institut für Privatrecht, red. Jürgen Basedow, Ulrich Drobnig, Reinhard Ellger, Klaus J. Hopt, Hein Kötz, Rainer Kulms. 852-854. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001.
Zimmermann Reinhard, Roman Law, Contemporary Law, European Law. The Civilian Tradition Today. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001.
Zimmermann Reinhard, Daniel Visser. Southern Cross. Civil Law and Common Law in South Africa. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
Zweigert Konrad, Hein Kötz. An Introduction to Comparative Law. The framework. Amsterdam-New York-Oxford: University Press, 1977.