Published: December 31, 2022
Law and Social Bonds has been published since 2012, and since December 2015 it has been included in the ministerial list of scientific journals. Since 2024, Law and Social Bonds is a bimonthly journal.
The late Professor Lech Morawski, an outstanding specialist in the theory and philosophy of law and a judge of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, was the first Editor-in-Chief of Law and Social Bonds. The Program Council of the journal consists of specialists in the legal theory and philosophy as well as of dogmatics of law, associated with Polish and foreign universities and research centers. The Program Council of the journal brings together members from Europe, South America, Asia and Africa.
Subjects of Accepted Texts
Law and Social Bonds aims to be a forum for the exchange of views on the law and its theory, postulates and directions of changes, and the relation between social changes and the legislation in force. The Editorial Team prefers innovative and critical texts. The journal publishes: articles, commentaries on case law and reviews of monographs.
The journal accepts articles on:
- theory, philosophy and sociology of law;
- dogmatics of law: constitutional law, civil law and procedure, cooperative law, commercial law, administrative law and procedure, administrative courts' procedure, criminal law and procedure, public and private international law, European Union law;
- comparative law;
- legal history and political and legal doctrines.
Law and Social Bonds accepts for publication commentaries on recent case law, including judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Constitutional Tribunal, the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court.
Publishing Cycle
Law and Social Bonds is a bimonthly journal published in the following cycle: February, April, June, August, October, December.
Only one article by the same author may be published in the same year (this does not apply to co-authored texts).
Open Journal System
The editors of Law and Social Bonds use the Open Journal System (OJS). The entire publishing process is done through OJS.
Languages of Publication
The articles are published in Polish and English.
Open Access Policy
Law and Bonds has an open access policy. Published issues are available online under the Archive tab. Full access, reading, searching, downloading, distribution and lawful reuse in any medium, for non-commercial purposes only, without prior permission of the Publisher or the author is free of charge; provided the original work is properly cited and any changes to the original are clearly indicated.
Magazine Evaluation Indicators
MN: 100 pts
DOI: 10.36128/
ISSN: 2299-405X
E-ISSN: 2719-3594
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers are assigned to each journal issue and the articles published therein . Authors are required to use ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).
Law and Social Bonds received 100 points for publications in academic journals.
Law and Social Bonds is indexed in SCOPUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) and The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH).
Published: December 31, 2022